The Birth Of PT Bali Seafood International

Bali Seafood International (BSI) was established as a subsidiary of North Atlantic, Inc in 2008. Bali Seafood developed an industry driven business model which instituted educational programs and real-time incentives for the local fishing communities to drive sustainable fishing. The focus here was the efficiency of the supply chain, access to high vaue markets, positive social impact at the community level, and practical fisheries management techniques. 

 By utilizing environmentally friendly catch methods to minimize the landing of immature fish, these communities begin to see the regeneration of vulnerable fish stocks, which will ensure the viability of these areas for generations to come.

Solutions at all levels 

Following this mantra, North Atlantic Seafood LLC, their partners, suppliers and the hard-working fishers have created a sustainable business model to provide a steady supply of warm water products to the burgeoning markets across North America.

This commercially sponsored fishery management model pioneered by North Atlantic Seafood, Inc. is bringing into focus what sustainability and social responsibility need to be for it to work in the long term. 

However, we still have a long way to go.